Founders Weekend 2013 Is Coming!


Royal Founder Darnella Moore

Royal Founder
Darnella Moore


in our National Headquarters area of Northern, VA/Washington, DC






including our

featuring Gospel Group & Artists
Shanrae Cheree Price ~ Outreach 24/7 ~ Sonny Rivera 

Banquet Ticket and additional information will release soon
For now, just mark your Royal Calendars!

The Daughter of Christ / The Daughters of Christ, Inc. / The Sons of Christ, Inc. / /

ABBA’S DAUGHTER vs. satan’s daughter


Abba’s Daughters have complete domininating reign (Genesis 1:28) over the devil’s witches (oops, daughters) who show up in the edifices of our churches, the lives of our men, the roster of Kingdom ministries or corporate businesses disguished as “a woman of God.”  This particular woman exhibits a form of Godliness by appearing to be busy for and in personal relationship with God through her talented service in the church or volunteerism in her community, but have no real relationship with the true and living DaddyGod or genuine Royal identity, character or power thereof (2Timothy 3:5).

As His Royal Daughter of Christ, you are not to be compared, nor moved by a child whose Father is not your own. Let the devil and his failing children know that all love and power to heal, deliver and set free rests upon your shoulder and in the palm of your anointed right hand (Isaiah 45:1). Therefore, he/she cannot have, take over, destroy, deceive, manipulate or infiltrate what your DaddyGod has purposed expressly for you in life, family, business or ministry! Speak the following commandment boldly like a confident Daughter of the King of all kings and Lord of all lords:

Get thee behind me satan unless and until you and your ignorant self
finally decides to return home to the true and living God who is not you,
but my Heavenly Father & Lord – His Name is Jesus! And by the way,
as a reminder to your defeated-self,
my name was changed (Isa 62:6) and is now The Daughter of Christ!
Just in case you forgot who “I AM” is
as Heavenly Father & Royal Child, you better ask somebody!!!”

[POW backed with Holy Ghost power!]


Royal Kingdom Brothers, this is a great learning key for you as well: May our Heavenly Father grant you spiritual clarity via insight, earsight and eyesight to be able to recognize a real Daughter of God who is a rarity and not easy to find amonst millions of (simply) women.

Oh yes, one more thing my Royal Kingdom Sisters, this wisdom works both ways with respect to Abba’s Sons vs. satan’s.

Your Humble Teacher & Learner Myself,

Royal Soaror
Darnella Moore


Founder & Nat’l President

As Humble Founder & National President, I charge The Sons of Christ, Inc. & The Daughters of Christ, Inc. to Prayer Mode from now through the end of this 2012 year. For no less than 30 minutes per day, please pray for the direction, the structure, the call, the positioning of The SsOC/DsOC vision and mission in the earth to bring lost creation and wayward sons and daughters back home to Abba, as well as spiritually buildup those of us who are “home.”

Monday, November 19, 2012, 9-10:00 pm EST
Dial: 1-218-862-7200 / Conference Code: 408568
I Love you and thank you,
Royal Soaror Darnella Moore
Founder & National President


Ruby Gemstone

My Royal Ruby Sisters, your self-worth, your Christ-esteem and your value is totally wrapped up in one word: IDENTITY which we confidently confess as “Because He Is, I AM… A Daughter of Christ”!

In the fascinating world of gemstones, DaddyGod declares our Royal Identity as the RUBY which is the undisputed ruler of them all (this fact is a prophetic message to you and I – don’t miss it), including the diamond which is my birthstone and former favorite as is most women’s. Yes, its price even surpasses those paid for diamonds categorically similar in size or clarity. Proverbs 31:10 explains, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above RUBIES.”

Red is the color of Love (our greatest character and chief possession as Sons & Daughters of God) that radiates with passion, vitality, warmth. The Ruby is designed with brilliance, hardness and rarity. It is the gemstone that decorates the insignia of many royal households. Amongst millions of women on earth, you and I – my Ruby Royal Soarors –  are rare, brilliant, passionate, loving, vital, absolutely stunning, worth a fortune, and rulers! When we are found by a king Son for courtship/marriage or anyone (family, friend or foe) for human relationship, these persons are blessed to be in our lives, should be honored, and not hesitate to hang on to us because the Bible clearly declares, The Royal Daughter of Christ is hard to find amongst all women, and surely our price far above even the #1 gemstone (Ruby) which prophetically speaking is simply PRICELESS!

Henceforth, not only are we Royalty, Royal Soarors, but we are indeed DaddyGod’s Rubies! How about that? We can add a new Royal Identity Confession to our organizational culture:

“Because He Is, I AM… A Royal Ruby Daughter of Christ!”

Your Humble Teacher & Learner Myself,
Founder & Nat’l President

Evang. Darnella Moore ~ The Daughter of Christ

Royal Soaror Darnella Moore

P.S. Can you guess what my favorite gemstone that used to be diamond has now become?

P.P.S. I dedicate this classnote to my Great-Auntie Ruby Pearl (my paternal grandmother’s sister) who I now understand even more the signatory meaning of her beautiful name and why she was one of the women in my family who taught me to be just that – a Royal Ruby of a Woman! I Love you Aunt Ruby Pearl!!!

Darnella & Great-Aunt Ruby Pearl

Note: Join me tonight, Nov. 5th, and every 1st, 3rd & 5th Monday evenings for our Royal Sons & Daughters National Teleconference at 9pm EST by Dialing 218-862-7200, Conference Code: 408568.


Due to the Northeaster storm affecting our national headquarters area as well as our Royal Soaror families in the North East corridor of our nation, our Royal National Teleconference is canceled for this evening.

Even in the midst of the storm, you and I can trust Abba God to take great care of us. I, as many of you I’m sure, have been praying concerning the direction of the storm (may it return to the sea from where it comes from) as well as for the safety of those around us. We, as family, also are reaching out to one another with love, prayers, and support. In fact, early this morning, I received a telephone call all the way from Atlanta, GA – our Royal Soaror Apostle Crystal Smith call to simply ask, “Are you okay? Is Mommy (Royal National Mother) okay?” Needless to say, that meant the world to me and reminded me of the power of Christian SOARority as well as the love that we share as Kingdom Family. Thank you Royal Soaror Crystal!”

I Love and praying for each of you! I’m also in praise position although I’m in the eye of the storm because I know in whom I trust and in whom I belong – Because He Is, like you, I Am… A Daughter of Christ!

In His Love,
Your Royal Soaror Sister Darnella
Founder & National President

On Tonight’s National Teleconference – A Royal Blessing From Our Founder To A Randomly-Chosen Single-Mom

Our Founder & Nat’l Royal Mother
RS Darnella with her Mom

As instructed by DaddyGod to do so at approximately 1:00pm EST today, our Founder, Royal Soaror Evangelist Darnella Moore, will be personally and randomly blessing a single-mother financially on our loving and powerful National Teleconference of Sons & Daughters of Christ throughout the U.S. on this evening.  Single-motherhood has a special core place in the heart of Royal Soaror Darnella as she herself has rasied her two (and continues to raise her son DaSean) children predominately as a single-mom; she and her four siblings were also raised by her awesome mother, National Royal Mother Min. Pearl Sharpe, as a single-mom too. 

“Single parents, you are not alone while raising your child(ren);
Abba God, our Heavenly Father, is your Co-Parent
Who will never leave, nor forsake you
or the human gifts He has loaned to you!”

~ Royal Soaror Darnella Moore 

Royal Soaror Darnella is a willing “Giver” at heart as well: She welcomes any opportunity to be a blessing to others as DaddyGod has blessed her. Her lifestyle of giving is one of our chief character posessions as individual DsOC Sisters as well as a core value of our corporate organizational culture. 

You don’t want to miss it! In fact, invite those in your circle to join us too!


Takes Place Every 1st, 3rd & 5th Monday evenings at 9-10pm EST

Tonight, October 15th at 9-10:00pm EST
: (218) 862-7200

P.S. To become our DsOC Guest Royal Soaror and added to our National Directory, simply e-mail us your name, city and state to


Hallelujah, glory to God!

My fellow Royal Soarors, on this the eve of the holiest holiday on Abba’s Jewish Calendar, Yom Kippur, I am in His presence. After traveling to be with our DsOC-HRVA Chapter in celebration of our SsOC National Chaplain’s, Pastor Ray Charles Bagley’s, 4th Pastoral Anniversary, I returned home feeling a bit under the weather with a sore throat, yet a great deal on Holy Ghost fire after such a powerful move of God with our Kingdom Family. Our National Chaplain, Pastor Gwen Sutton, sealed the celebratory weekend at Faith Ministry Outreach with an instructional and directional Word from our Lord as their Sunday Morning Worship Service Speaker.  It was a Message that was timely, Kingdom-minded and so profound for the Movement that God has you and I in as His Royal Sons and Daughters.

Yom Kippur is a holiday that we, Abba’s children, take the time to atone of our sins, refuel and refresh so that we can walk out in the coming year (Rosh Hashanah-the Jewish New Year was celebrated last week), exactly what God has already purposed and planned for our lives in order to impact the world and bring Him glory. Beginning sundown this evening to sundown tomorrow, Sept. 25-26, is our period of atonement: Therefore, join me as I follow the same prophetic/spiritual instructions from our Lord: (1) Wash, (2) Clean and (3) Get Anointed!

Upon our atonement, we, The Sons & Daughters of Christ, will be ready to SOAR to the next level in our praise, worship, love and service. We’ll experience a refreshing in our hearts, minds and spirits to cause Godly change to overtake the world as well as bring Abba God’s creation back home to Him as Royal Children.

Blessed Yom Kippur to you and your families! 

I Love DaddyGod & You,

Royal Soaror Darnella, Founder


My Royal Kingdom Sisters, Make up in your intelligent mind that is guided by the Word of God, your purposeful plans that are already established according to the will of God and your obedient heart that is filled with the Love of DaddyGod, that you are going to Love your Brethren of all faiths unconditionally, immediately and completely!  God-Love is our chief possession and most beautiful trait.  It allows us to celebrate our Royal Sister or Brother as opposed to tearing him/her down.  You need your Royal Sibling and your Royal Sibling needs you.  We are all Abba God’s special possessions, and therefore, should act like and treat one another as such at all times!  Now, place your arms around somebody today and wholeheartedly declare “I God-Love You”!!!

Your Humble Teacher & Learner Myself,

Royal Soaror Darnella, Founder


There is a musical Message in your heart waiting to flow out of your anointed mouth! All of us were not born with a melodic voice, but we, The Daughters of Christ, were all born to sing the melodies of His Loving Gospel to the world.  You and I are charged to be a sweet sound of music to the hearts of all mankind through the uplifting words spoken through our powerful lips.  More importantly, we have already been divinely empowered by our awesome DaddyGod to do so.  Therefore, trust your inner voice to confidently come forth in the form of a beautiful song that brings healing to those around you.  Don’t let anybody fool you my Royal Soaror Sister, you can sing and the world is ready to hear you!  Start blowing like only a Royal Kingdom Daughter can! 

Humble Teacher & Learner Myself,
Royal Soaror Darnella Moore
Founder & Nat’l President

DsOC-HRVA’s Day of Pampering for Our Royal National Mother

On Tuesday, August 28, The Daughters of Christ Soarority of Hampton Roads (DsOC-HRVA) fulfilled their monthly Community Service Initative with a Royal Pampering Day for National Royal Mother Min. Pearl G. Sharpe. The day included hair and nail salon treatments as well as a delicious seafood meal with some of her DsOC-HRVA Royal Daughters.

ROYAL SOAROR FAY CHRISTIAN’S TESTIMONY OF THEIR DAY WITH ROYAL MOTHER:  “ We had great time spending the day with Mother. Spending personal time with her was much needed. I picked her up early Tuesday morning and she had no idea what was on our day’s agenda (everything was a total surprise to her).   

Stylist Shalita Corley

 When we arrived at RS Shalita’s hair school, she thought we were just there to see RS Shalita real quick but then she took Mother over to her salon chair and said “well since you’re here, we may as well pamper you.”  Royal Mother also got her nails done along with a deep conditioning hair style.  She enjoyed herself immensely relaxing, and of course, ministering to the young ladies passing by.  After Mother’s hair/nail salon appointment, we met up with our Chapter’s Chaplain, RM Min. Janice Chapman, VA State Royal Mother Lady Marion Bagley and RS Keyana Jolliff for a delicious seafood meal at a local restaurant.  We all enjoyed lots of seafood; in fact, Mother’s Royal Daughters even talked her into trying sushi for the very first time!” 

Royal Mother’s Fresh Hairstyle

 DsOC-HRVA’s Chapter frequently focuses on community service initiatives that provides tangible assistance such as food, clothing or other resources necessary for daily living to people within their local community.  For example, during the Christmas season 2011, they distributed gift baskets to several people/families that contain a myriad of delicious and wonderful items.  In light of our National Royal Mother’s recent loss of her sister (which DsOC-HRVA experienced first hand by being with her throughout the process, including at the funeral), they felt it befitting to be a blessing to our National Mother with the hopes of providing her a touch of joy to boost her spirit.  According to Mommy, they surely did that and so much more! Royal Mother Pearl exclaimed, ‘I was so surprised and excited to be treated so lovingly by my Royal Soarors Daughters of DsOC-HRVA.  I truly appreciate them taking time out of their busy schedules to spend with me and I loved my pampering day! RS Shalita can do some hair and I thank her!’

RS Darnella & Her Mom FW2012

 From the bottom of my heart, as Mommy’s grateful (natural) daughter, I sincerely thank you, my DsOC-HRVA Royal Soaror Sisters for loving on, providing for and taking great care of Mommy especially during my absence since I live three (3) hours away from her.  May DaddyGod return the blessings back to each of you.  Congratulations DsOC-HRVA for another community service initiative fulfilled with Love, Compassion and Excellence as aligned with the vision and mission of The Daughters of Christ, Inc.

In Abba’s Love,
Your Royal Soaror Sister Darnella
Founder & National President

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