Prophetic Revelation of 9/16 Teleconference

DoC DauIn light of yesterday’s U.S.A. government shutdown and praying concerning it, God brought to my remembrance our September 16 teleconference.  He gave me the revelation about the fervent movement of His power and urgency to move in our assignments that went forth that evening.

On my Empowering Teleconferences with The Daughter of Christ held on 9/16, per the Holy Spirit’s instructions early summer, I ministered the message entitled “I’m A Royal Birther What About You?” to the Sons & Daughters of Christ.  God prophetically spoke through me the instruction for each of us to immediately focus on our primary God-given unique gift, talent and/or assignment in business or ministry; to do our research as well as do the work of pursuing entrepreneurship with the launching/building of businesses that He called us to lead.  Make no mistake about it, if you are a child of the King of kings, you are a re-born again Leader!  The Holy Spirit further spoke that we were no longer to be “laxy dazy” about the ideas/visions from DaddyGod – no more procrastination.  It is time to move towards building generational wealth along with spiritual health.  This urgency to do so is mainly because the children of God were called to be a blessing to others; the government is on DaddyGod’s shoulders, and therefore, our’s as well.  We cannot and should not depend on mankind, especially a failing government, to take care of us.  Our hope, as Royal Sons & Daughters of God, is built on nothing less than our Almighty Creator God!  In order to be a blessing to navigate a lost world to soul salvation as well as natural provision, we first must ourselves be blessed.

Again, as the famous life coach Iyanla Vanzant often eloquently declares, my Royal Kingdom Siblings, we must do the work and do the work right now!

My reminder to those of you who were blessed to be on our 9/16 teleconference and a humble instruction to those of you who were not, do the homework assignment given to you that evening which was as follows: 1) Immediately seek God about your primary gift, talent or assignment; 2) Do your natural research once you know it; 3) Network, build relationships with and learn from people have already successfully accomplished your same or similar assignment; 4) Trust God to provide the resources that you need to launch; 5) Follow His plan and pathway; 6) Do it!

Per my last blog, be encouraged my Royal Siblings because although our government is shut down, our DaddyGod is not!

If you need professional career counseling services, reach out to Royal Soaror Francina Harrison (DsOC-HRVA) of The Chief Engineer at

Check out this Article e-published today: Confirmation, confirmation!

Loving Abba & You,

Your Royal Soaror
Prophetess Darnella

P.S. Per God’s instructions back in 2010, I began hosting these empowering teleconferences (even when it wasn’t a popular means of ministry).  The Lord has been moving by His mighty power on them since 2010 and even more so now. Mark your calendars to join us every 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays at 9pm EST of the month – you will grow in your identity as a Son or Daughter of Christ and be blessed exponentially! Lock our number into your telephone directory: 218-862-7200, Code 408568.

Sow A Soarority Seed