Founder’s Open Epistle to Her Royal Soarors

DoC DauMy Dearest DsOC Royal Soarors!

I recently viewed a video released by Ambassador Juanita Bynum declaring this Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year- what DaddyGod has had us at The Daughters of Christ, Inc. walking out since our humble beginnings in 2010 – It’s a BRAND NEW SEASON TO SOAR!!! “TO SOAR” is the heartbeat of our named identity and organizational vision which we’ve been doing and shall continue to do.

Since canceling our Founders Weekend 2014 due to a death in my immediate family (by the way, thank you all so much for your prayers towards my (the Price) family and I), I have been quiet and still.  Additionally, per our organizational tradition, we all were on our DsOC summer break. Therefore, I wanted to reach out to you during our Royal Kingdom Family’s New Year celebration according to the Jewish Calendar to remind you that I Love you, am thinking of and praying for you.

My communication with you has been very little since Spring; please don’t take my silentness or stillness as an indication that The DsOC SOARority’s vision is dead.  On the contrary, it is yet ALIVE: DaddyGod is doing a BRAND NEW THING with respect to restructuring us corporately to include the proper set up of chapters to meet various state guidelines, etc. Successful leaders that I’ve gleaned from over the years advise the same thing to budding business leaders such as myself:

Always surround yourself by people smarter, wiser
and more experienced
than yourself when embarking upon an
entrepreneurial road that you’ve never traveled before.


I am blessed to already have such successful business, ministry and organizational leaders in my life as well as right here within our DsOC family — a couple of whom DaddyGod has impressed upon their hearts to mentor and offer their expertise to me with respect to building this blessed fraternity family (to include The Sons of Christ, Inc.) that shall impact the world for DaddyGod’s glory in a great way. These successful Royal Soarors have either built and/or presently manage successful companies/agencies and are excited about sowing their entrepreneurial gifts with me personally as well as The Daughters of Christ, Inc. corporately.  What a blessing!  In fact, presently and through November, I’m holding direct discussions and meetings with these experienced professionals that will result in us laying a refreshed and strengthened foundation from which The DsOC, Inc. can truly successfully launch and ultimately SOAR to impact the world as envisioned.

Coupled with obtaining wise counsel, I’ll also continue to keep myself spiritually postured and open to receive the releases of DaddyGod’s instructions to me as The DsOC Visionary before we organizationally move any further.  As Royal Sons & Daughters of Christ, we move on DaddyGod’s timing, not man’s! Can you shout a Royal Hallelujah with me!!!


In the meantime, continue to engage your fellow Royal Soarors in person, via social networking (visit our blogsite for links to Twitter/Facebook) and teleconferences that I’ll be hosting by invitation.  Once corporate level brainstorming is complete, I’ll be meeting one-on-one with current and future DsOC leaders.  You are DsOC Royal Family Member and welcomed contributor:  As such, please share your innovative ideas with us too by completing the Contact Form below.  Also, you want to remain in the DsOC loop, therefore, be sure your name/e-mail is on our National Email Listing as you don’t want to miss the release that is soon to come. Use this same e-mail address if you’d like to unsubscribe/remove your name from our listing.

I personally thank each of you for your support, service, contribution and sisterhood to The Daughters of Christ Soarority and am looking forward to our Royal Soaring days ahead!

Royal Soaror Darnella, Founder

Royal Soaror Darnella, Founder

I Love Each of You Abundantly,

National President Royal Soaror 

Darnella First Name Signature

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